Coaches Gender and Community Mobilization TOT Training
The overall objective is supporting the empowerment and self-actualization of girls in rural areas, raising awareness about gender issues and the positive impact of sports on female empowerment, and fostering coaches to become agents of change and support the project to achieve its aim and objectives around supporting women empowerment, stigma reduction, promotion of an inclusive and gender sensitive approach of sport’s practice.
Overview of the Training Program
A 4-day Gender & Community Mobilization TOT Training was implemented for the Partner coaches of the Empowerment of Girls through Sports Project.
The 1st and 2nd day were on “Gender Issues and Female Empowerment” while the 3rd and 4th day were on “Community Mobilization”:
Conducting the TOT Gender training for partner coaches aimed at raising gender awareness through different sessions for girls, parents and community members participating in the project.
The Community Mobilization TOT was also addressed to partner coaches with the aim of:
Developing awareness raising and community mobilization plan on gender issues, participation in sports activities and empowerment of girls through sports
Mobilizing and raising awareness of community members on gender, and sports’ issues
Post Training Outcomes
Coaches are using the training materials and are acting as facilitators in their communities to disseminate and fulfil the project’s objectives.
Reaching out to community members through NGOS and Schools
The coaches have the role of local facilitators to promote and disseminate the project related objectives among the community members, reaching out to Non-profit organizations, schools as well as organizing events to the public.
Gender & Community Mobilization Sessions with the Girls of the Project
Coaches are implementing gender and community mobilization sessions with the girls of the project and their parents across all the partner youth centers.